Learn Physics Forces and Motion app for iPad and Android devices

An interactive science educational app exploring core physics curriculum topics for ages 9-11+

On this journey students will discover physics fundamentals through a lab robot named Phil, who is placed in a variety of science experiments to prove the pushing and pulling forces that are acting on objects everywhere in the universe!

 This app is animated and contains sound effects and reading text in easy to read segments.

A Physics quiz is included to reinforce and recap on the learning content found in the app.

Age range

The learning level is for students age 9-11.

UK years 4,5,6 (Key Stage 2).

US grades 3,4,5.

Physics subjects covered in this app:

  • Gravitational Force (Gravity on Earth and in space)
  • Mass
  • Weight
  • Air Resistance
  • Water Resistance
  • Inertia and Momentum
  • Friction
  • Opposite Force
  • Acceleration
  • Magnetic Force
  • Magnetic Poles
  • Spring Force
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Science teachers – we need your help!

This app has been designed with the intention of classroom learning on school iPads and Android tablets.

We have started the app at a reduced introductory price and it is available at 50% off for Apple’s volume purchase program.

Does the learning content fit your curriculum needs? Please contact us with feedback on the app, so we can make improvements.

TEACHER OFFER! (Apple only)

Please contact us from your school email address for a free promo code to try the app (while codes last).

physics app teacher offer volume purchase

Frosby Physics Lab – Forces and Motion – iPad / iPhone App Screens

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Do you want to give us feedback on this app?

We have big plans for this app, so please contact us if you have any improvements or suggestions.